LLC Advantages - Protect Your Business- Get An LLC! Your LLC Guru

LLC Advantages – Protect Your Business- Get An LLC! Your LLC Guru

LLC Advantages

Protect Your Business

Get An LLC!

Your LLC Guru

In today’s post we’re going to talk about LLC Advantages, why you should Protect Your Business and why we believe you should Get An LLC.

Hello this is your LLC Guru, welcome to our site! We believe in helping people get started in business worry-free & protected!  We help regular people get their own LLC’s quickly, inexpensively and with confidence! 

If you need an LLC or are even thinking about one, you have come to the right site,!  We take the guesswork out of getting an LLC!

LLC Advantages


LLCs bring considerable advantages for their holders. They provide liability protection that shields the business owners personal assets.  To give you an example of this, let’s say there are two guys in business Fred and Joe.   Fred and Joe both own gas stations that are almost exactly the same.   

Fred was smart and when he went into business he took about 10 minutes and formed an LLC.   Joe did not, he was very excited and just went straight into business not thinking about it.   

Imagine a hypothetical situation where the gasoline supplier that supplies both of these stations supplies defective gasoline to both Fred and Joe!  The defective gasoline causes issues with many of the cars that fill up at the stations.  

Now both Fred and Joe are facing a few lawsuits from their customers.  Fred and his family are in much better shape with the LLC in place. See, due to the LLC, the public can only sue Fred’s gas station and not Fred directly.  

Fred and his family are out of reach from the liabilities caused by the faulty gas.   Joe on the other hand is getting sued directly by his customers. He and his family’s wealth are directly at risk – including his savings, vehicles and even possibly his home!  

This is just one quick example of what an LLC can do for a business owner. The protection that an LLC offers is incredible and it is so simple to get it’s foolish to operate in business as a sole proprietor these days.

Your LLC Guru Free Offer

If you’re reading this post, you’re probably considering starting a business. We have a 10 Step “How To Start a Business” PDF download that we would like to give you – for free so be sure to check that out while you are here on our site.

 Protect Your Business – Get An LLC!

An LLC is kind of like a moat around you and your family’s finances keeping the public from taking away what you’ve been working for all along!  Long story short, if you’re in any kind of business at all you need the protection of a business entity and in our opinion it should be an LLC!

We are on a mission to get all business owners protected from unnecessary risk!

LLC Guru Philosophy

We believe that everyone in business deserves the protection an LLC can provide.  We are making the business world a better place one LLC at a time!

In our next post, we will unpack more details around LLCs.  Go ahead and check out some of our other posts while you are here on our site.

  Also, be sure to watch our YouTube videos so you can learn more helpful information about LLCs and how to use them to protect yourself in business.

This is your LLC Guru, thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: The content on this page is for informational purposes only, and does not constitute legal, tax, or accounting advice. If you have specific questions about any of these topics, seek the counsel of a licensed professional.