LLC Meaning

LLC Meaning, A Quick Definition Your LLC Guru


Let’s talk about LLC Meaning!

Hello, this is your LLC Guru, welcome to our site where we help regular people get their own LLC’s quickly, inexpensively, and with confidence!  If you need an LLC, you are in the right place – we can help you get your own LLC in about 10 minutes!

In this post, I will talk about the meaning of an LLC.  The term LLC is an abbreviated form for the business term Limited Liability Company.  In the United States, a Limited Liability Company, or LLC for short, is a business structure allowed by State statute and it is important to point out that each State may use different regulations concerning LLC’s.


Please note, that I am not providing any legal or tax advice here.  However, we do have tons of free information about LLC’s on our site.


Whether you are starting a small, one-person operation or a large company with hundreds of staff, you should carefully consider setting your business up in a manner that would shield you, the business owner, from personal liability.  


LLC’s provide protection to business owners from personal responsibility for business liabilities.  Corporations can also provide this protection but those are often much more complicated and far more expensive to set up and maintain.  For this reason, we here at YourLLCGuru recommend an LLC for almost every small business out there!


Another great aspect of an LLC is the ability to act as a “flow through entity” for taxation.  This is something you will greatly appreciate when it comes time to file your business and personal tax returns.


In summary, the meaning of LLC, which again, is just short for Limited Liability Company, is a business entity often used by small and large businesses alike in the United States to shield the owner of the business from personal liability relating to the business.  If you’re in business and you do not have protection in place it probably makes sense to form an LLC immediately. 


In my next post, we will unpack more details about LLC’s. If you are considering setting up an LLC, please check out some of my other posts or videos on YouTube so you can learn more helpful information about LLC’s and how to use them to protect yourself in business.