What is an LLC?
Just what is an LLC? This is a question that comes up a lot! LLC Stands for Limited Liability Company. First I should say this is not legal advice in any way. This is just general information most agree upon.
A “Limited Liability Company” is technically a “legal business structure” that exists to protect your PERSONAL ASSETS in the event that your COMPANY gets into some kind of legal trouble.
Put simply an LLC is a business structure that exists to keep you separate from your business when it comes to liability. If your company gets sued for whatever reason then YOU PERSONALLY are not the target, your LLC is. This keeps your personal assets and finances protected in such an event.
It is generally agreed that an LLC provides a great deal of protection from personal liability and in addition to that can help a business owner save substantially when it comes to filing taxes.
LLC’s are most often used for personal asset protection when forming a business, however they are sometimes used to hold real estate and other large assets as well.
If your business is an LLC and it is sued your personal assets are generally protected and not at risk. If that same business without an LLC is sued, then ALL your personal assets are at risk!
You can see why anyone forming a business of ANY kind should be seriously looking into an LLC to protect themselves….you’d have to be a fool to not seriously consider and LLC in most cases.
LLC’s are very affordable and low maintenance. They offer extraordinary benefits for very little cost and trouble.
For most small businesses an LLC is a great choice and to put off forming one is a great risk to the owner of the business and his or her family. If you have ANY kind of business at all, most agree that forming an LLC ASAP just makes good common sense!
YourLLCGuru.com is thrilled to partner with ZenBusiness to help our readers get their own LLC for only $49.00 plus your state fee! Shark Tank fans might know that Mark Cuban has recently teamed up with ZenBusiness to help Americans get their own LLC extremely easily! It takes just $49.00 and less than 10 minutes to get your own LLC with ZenBusiness!
If you’ve thought about it, but put it off, then today is the day! Get your LLC right now! You’ll get the benefits immediately and you’ll be glad you did it!
We believe that EVERYONE in business deserves the awesome protection an LLC provides. We are making the business world better one LLC at a time!
Ready to take action? Click the “TAKE ACTION” button in the upper right menu of your screen, in 10 minutes or so you’ll be covered from liability exposure.